DRAFT DEMO SITE: Regtech Upskilling
Regtech Upskilling Initiative
Pursuant to seeking modular exemptions under the HKMA Enhanced Competency Framework on Fintech – RegTech (December 3, 2021)
Regtech Upskilling Course leads
The Regtech course is led by the Regtech Committee of the Fintech Association of Hong Kong.
Our mission is to drive RegTech innovation, adoption and implementation in Hong Kong across all businesses and regulated entities in Hong Kong, connecting with the globe.
The RegTech Committee will also serve as a platform to promote collaboration, education and advocacy in relation to RegTech
Providing a forum to drive collaboration between organisations for RegTech deployment
From increasing RegTech adoption awareness, industry knowledge sharing to talent management
Ensuring regulatory alignment on facilitation of RegTech adoption in HK and regional financial industry
In addition, the Regtech Upskilling course and the Fintech Association of Hong Kong is supported by HKU LiTELABS, a subsection of HKU Law Faculty that seeks to promote Law, Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship among students and lawyers in Hong Kong.

Our current course listings
Regtech: Core Level
Applicable to Fintech practitioners taking up middle or senior positions in AIs.
In order to more accurately reflect the different areas of expertise, this level is further divided into two tracks: Management Track and Specialist Track (including Regtech stream)
RegTech Professional Level
Applicable to Fintech practitioners taking up middle or senior positions in AIs.
Lead and drive the design, development and implementation of Regtech solutions